/ Compton's Atlas of the Ancient World / Compton's Atlas of the Ancient World.iso / pc / media / common / start / index / ind_65.dat | < prev | next > |
Comma Seperated Value File | 1998-02-15 | 493b | 13 rows |
# | Neolithic Europe | Gavrinis 1 8 1 |
1 | Neolithic Europe | Megaliths 1 0 10 |
2 | Minoans and Mycenaeans | Treasury of Atreus 3 1 17 |
3 | Hellenistic World | the Royal Tombs of Macedon 8 17 2 |
4 | Sumeria | Puabiís Tomb 12 9 1 |
5 | Hittites | Alaca Hoyuk 14 1 9 |
6 | Later Empires | Cyrusís Tomb 17 1 29 |
7 | Shang China | the royal tomb at Subutun 28 0 24 |
8 | Zhou China | the tomb of Marquis Yi 29 13 1 |
9 | Olmec | La Venta 42 9 1 |
10 | Highland civilization | Unusual tombs in the west 43 0 13 |
11 | Moche | Loma Negra 49 0 3 |
12 | Moche | Sipan 49 9 1 |